Sunday, July 27, 2008

A Wet Drizzly Weekend

Saturday 26 July

A group of 17 walkers left the clubroom shortly after 2pm on a wet drizzly afternoon. We walked along Aberdeen Street, down Jacob's Ladder, Forbury Road, Hillside Road, Law Street, up the Glen, up to Hayward Street, Eglington Road, Mailer Street, Glenpark Ave, Lancefield Street to Caversham. It was a steep Cole Street, Sydney Street back to the clubrooms. The walk took 1 hour 45 mins or around 10 kms. There were a number of steep hills on the course.

Sunday 27 July

Craig and I met at the Railway Station at 8.30am. We walked around the back of the Railway Station, Portsmouth Drive, Portobello Road, up Doon Street, Scobie Street, Larnach Road, McKerrow Street, Highcliff Road, Aytoun Street, Somerville Street, Marne Street, along the track beside the ecstuary, Shore Street, Portsmouth Drive, back of the Railway Station. We walked for just over 2 hrs 20 mins or 14kms. There was a steady drizzle for the entire walk.

Last Thursday (24 July) Wayne Morris told me my cholesterol was at 5.7 so I have agreed to stop eating sweet stuff rather than go on medication. Weight 185lbs or 95kgs

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Sullivan's Dam

Today the club (18 walkers) walked up to Sullivan's Dam from Woodhaugh Gardens. It was a misty rain but not cold. We did the 6.7km in 1 hour 20 mins and the return walk in just over an hour. I decided to walk with the slower paced group and enjoyed catching up with Martin.

Sunday 20 July

Craig and I met at the Railway Station at 8.30am on a crisp morning. We walked along Leith Street through the University, across the St David hen hen Street bridge and along Castle Street to the Gardens. We continued along North Road to the Normanby Tavern. The temperature gauge on one of the buildings said it was 1 degrees. Ths section took 50 minutes.

We walked back to the Gardens and up the hill to Opoho. We travelled along Lovelock Avenue and onto a track down past the cemetery to Butts Road. From here we walked towards the Caledonian and back along a track to a field beside the "Cale". We walked down Logan Park Drive and onto Anzac Avenue to our cars parked near the Railway Station. The total time was 2 hours and an estimated 11 kms.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Whare Flat / Longridge Road

Today (Thursday) John Aldis and I did a 2hr 20min walk starting at the Bullring and down the Whare Flat Road and back up Longridge Road. John is recovering from a mountain accident and was keen to give his injured leg a workout. We`walked non-stop at around a 5km/hr rate. I estimated we covered around 12kms.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Middle Weekend of the July School Holidays

Saturday 12 July - Rugby Test tonight - NZ V South Africa

The day got away to a great start by having a hot drink with mate Lynn McConnell at the Mannequin. Lynn is in town working for "Sportal" to cover the test. We had a 2 hour catchup.

For the weekly club walk the Leith Club joined us. I walked with the fast pack (25 walkers) and Craig went with the slow pack (8 walkers) as he is still getting treatment for his leg injury. Our pack went down Playfair Street to the Caversham Reserve. We then went past Carisbrook, along Bridge Street onto a track beside the Motorway. We walked up the South Road and down to Concord. At Concord 5 of us went up Emerson Street while the remainder went up Mulford Street. The walk took 90 mins. We had a superb afternoon tea at the clubrooms. Craig commented the slow pack was too slow for him.

Sunday 13 July

Craig rang at 8am that he could not go for a walk with me as his car broke down last night and he had to go back into down to collect it. I decided to do the loop from home - Logan Park - Gardens - Mt Cargill Road - Upper Junction Road - Roseneath and back to St Leonards. This time I walked along Blanket Bay Road missing out a section of the Port Chalmers Road. The walk took 3 hrs 50 mins or 22-23 kms.