Sunday, February 15, 2009

Harbour Cone and Flagstaff Forest

Saturday 14 February

The walking group's first preference on the Peminsula was closed because of the Yellow Eyed Penguin's breeding season. We decided to go to Turnbull's Bay close to Broad Bay. 16 of us walked up the Bacon Track to Highcliff Road and then up to the summit of Harbour Cone. It was fairly steep but I enjoyed the walk. I estimate the return trip would be 5kms.

Sunday 15 February

I met Craig at the Nairn St /Taieri Road interesection. Craig drove to Flagstaff Forest and we walked up the tracks for 45 minutes and did the return trip in 40 mins. It was a very steep track.

When I got home I rode a bike from home to Display n Sell and back. The 12km trip took 40 minutes

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Otago Peninsula Challenge

245 walkers left Allans Beach at 9am. I decided to push myself up the first hill and found myself in 16th place. The walk over the farmland was pleasant but rain and wi nd in the first 3o minutes dampened" the enthusiasm slightly.

On the way down to Papanui Inlet the grass was very long and slippery. Apparently some competitors were battle scared on this section.However our inflatable dinghy was ready to ferry us across the inlet as soom as I arroved. From here it was a stroll along Victory Beach. We passed a sea lion and seals. Department of Conservation workers were close by to the wildlife. It was a very nice beach.

From here it was up another long steep hill ono a road, more farmland and the final road home.

The walk took 2:38:42. I wanted to do under 2:45 hrs so was pleased with this achievement.

It was nice to met met by my friend, Craig who took me back to my car at Allan's Beach.