Sunday, April 17, 2011

Three Peaks Walk #2

After last year's inaugural walk where we were directed down the wrong track and not having enough marshalls I was looking forward to this event for the second time. The Leith Harrier Club had taken on board all the criticism by altering the course, having more marshalls and making it 10kms.

It had rained for almost three days so the course was very wet and slippery. Going across Chingford Park was the first obstacle as by the time we hit the footpath, everyone had wet feet. I was in third place for the first 1km as we headed past the Bethune's Gully entrance by 250m where the Moutain Bike track was. We followed this winding track back to the Bethunes Gully track. We then walked up the track until directed onto a bush track. It was steep and very muddy. I started to feel the effects of the walk. I was slow and pased by three walkers. At a plateau we walked through lots of mud and water. When we started to descend through sodden paddocks I found it very difficult to keep my footing, falling over a number of times. I was passed by more walkers as I struggled with my footing. Once on a gravel track and flat footpaths I was able to pass most of the walkers except two who had passed me. I managed 5th place out of 33 in a time of 1:07:04. This race cannot possibly be 10kms as my PB for 10kms is 1:13.

When I finished I looked as though I had been in a rugby match played on a muddy field.

Caversham Club 1500m Walking Race

On what started as a wet day. the Ted Brown, McStay and Walkers Cups were held at the Caledonian. As our leader Kieran was away I was asked to distribute the numbers which I willingly did. 21 walkers participated in this scratch event. I had been runner up in the previous two years so decided to give it my best shot. The club has at least 5 faster walkers than me but 3 of them did not participate. Colin and Gordon who had both beaten me in the previous attempts were walking.

I managed a good start with Colin and I in front for the first lap. Colin is such an accomplished walker that I would have been happy to just stick with him and try to record a PB. Somehow I managed to find some inner recerve and passed Colin and held the lead to the end. My time was 9:01 minutes with Colin 3 seconds behind.

During the race Dave Jackson a club stalwart indicated I was close to running. I was very conscious of this and tried hard to ensure I was walking. At the end of the race Dave spoke to me about my style and he thought it was suspect. I asked him for help in rectifying it. The last thing I want to do is irk my fellow walkers. If this was the case I would pull out of walking races and just do recreational walking.

After the club runners did their events, I led the fast group for an hour's walk up to Opoho via Lovelock Ave. The bush track to the cemetery was too muddy. Once at Opoho we came down Black's Road, along North Road and through the Gardens. From here it was along Leith and Dundas Streets and onto Butts Rd. The final section involved walking beside the Donaghy Tennis Courts, across part of Logan Park to our start at the Caledonian. The course was just over 5kms.