I was not feeling much in the mood to compete in the club's annual Brighton to Green Island handicapped event. Although I had walked daily I had not extended myself. 29 clubwalkers started with the greatest handicap going to Julie on 25 minutes. Rosie Robinson, a New Zealand walking representative joined us on a 32 minute handicap and I have not included her in this summary.
My handicap was 12 minutes with 6 club walkers given a longer handicap. As I was the only 12 minute handicapped person I mainly walked by myself. I was pleased with how I started and felt I was doing under 7 minutes for each kilometre. It took ages until I could see anyone but around Ocean View I saw Katherine who was on a 10 minute handicap. I set her as my target and it took till the downhill part of the Waldronville Hill that I caught her. I managed to pass about a dozen workers and completed the walk in 1:10:31 which was 14 seconds slower that my PB in 2009. The winner was Debra who had a 5 minute handicap with Craig, also on a 5 minute handicap in 2nd place. Ian who was 3rd was on a 22 minute handicap and had the fastest time.
I now feel inspired to participate in the Clyde to Alexandra 10km walk next weekend.