Saturday, August 4, 2007

Caversham Harrier's Club

This afternoon I was invited to walk with the Caversham Harrier's Club by fellow principal Stephen Hopkins. Met at Stephen's place at 12.15pm, picked up Dianne and Martin George and hit the Wingatui Racecourse at 12.45pm. Around 15 people left at 1.12pm. We walked down Wingatui Road to Factory Road, behind New World and along the banks of the Silverstream until we hit the pump house. We walked back alongside the Silverstream until we reached Wingatui Road. We got back at 3.22pm and we think we walked 13km.

I felt tested by the walk but feel great because of it. It was nice to meet new people.

Next week the group plans to meet at Moana Pool at 1.45pm and go around Frasers Gully.

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