Sunday, October 14, 2007

Club Closing Day and Hill Free Walk

It was the end of season walk for the Club. 21 members left the clubrooms, walked up Mornington Road to Elgin Road. Turned left and walked down towards the traffic lights at the bottom of Caversham Valley Road. It was up the hill to Corstorphine and then the clubrooms.
Distance 7km.

Sunday was the Hill Free walk around Outram. Picked up Craig Currie at 8.35am and away we headed to Outram. It was rainy and quite cold. I managed a good pace. I suffered from Shin splints until I warmed up. Hit 5km at 43 mins. I decided I would try and catch up with Craig. Did so at the 2km to go mark. I increased the tempo and did the walk in 1 hour 23 mins and 16 secs. I was 42nd home out of 170 walkers. I was the 2nd male in my age band to reach the finish.

The walk was followed by a great lunch and presentations incl spot prizes. Craig won a masage.

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