Saturday, April 5, 2008

Caversham Harrier's Club 2008 Opening

It was a lovely warm day to start the opening day which started at 1.30pm. There appeared to be a good turnout, including 45 walkers, with lots of new faces. The walking group set off at 2pm and headed down to St Clair Beach. From here we walked along Forbury Road, David Street, Thorn Street and up Corstorphine Road. We got back at 3.10pm having walked around 7km.

It was a slower pace as the walking group wanted to ensure everyone was able to keep up. Once we hit Corstorphine Road we opened up the throttle.

It was nice that Jan, Ruth and Craig turned up. I enjoyed catching up with Warren Tweedie once again. I had two beers with Kieran and set off for home.

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