Sunday, November 9, 2008

Roslyn - Whare Flat Road

On the morning following the General Election, Craig and I met at Roslyn around 8.30am. There was a stiff breeze so was glad I had my gloves and beanie. We walked up Taieri Road and onto Three Mile Hill Road. A short way up we turned right onto the Flagstaff - Whare Flat Road. (4.5km) We initially planned to go to the Bullring but decided to turn back after we almost got there. I was amazed at the number of cars going both ways on this gravel road. The breeze had subsided on our walk up and most of the way back.

We walked back to Wakari and turned left onto Helensburgh Road then Balmacewen Road (it started to rain here) onto Highgate and back to Roslyn. The walk took 2hrs 20 mins and we think this would be around 12km.

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