Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Start of May

2 May

The walking club met at Port Chalmers and repeated the walk we did in the summer. A good turnout of 30 walkers set off at 1.20pm around the Back Beach, Carey's Bay, past the cemetery, Sawyers Bay and back to the start. It was around 10kms. I managed to get stung by a wasp and it proved to be painful for the rest of the day.

3 May

It was my time to pick the route for Craig and I to walk along. We met at the Nairn Street/Taieri Road intersection at 8.15pm. We walked along the entire length of Kaikorai Valley Road, both ways. A highlight was calling into the Kenmure Intermediate site where "Designer Trees" operate. The school is atarting to be turned into accommodation units. The hall has holes at both ends with bays for various products like soil, fertiliser etc that you can drive up to. We walked for 10kms.

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