Saturday 27 June
This annual event was held at Brockville Park comprising of walking twice around a 2km circuit. I had my farewell party the night before and got to bed at 2.45pm. I was feeling a bit jaded.
Colin Dick, Gordon Cameron, Dave Russell and myself went to the lead and walked together for half of the first lap. I had no idea where I was going and there were no marshalls. Colin and I broke ahead and I felt I could have gone ahead but chose to stay as I was not comfortable about leading.
I started to feel the effects of the night before with about 1/2 kilometre to go. Colin took off and I was not able to keep up. My second placing for the 4kms was 28:34 which was 14 seconds behind Colin.
There were 17 walkers but 4 were diaqualified as they took the wrong turn.
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