Sunday, April 25, 2010


Saturday 24 April

The Caversham Harriers and Walkers met outside the Woolworths carpark at 1pm to carpool to the Portobello Domain. The walkers split into two groups - Fast Pack (20 walkers) and Slow Pack (4 walkers). The Fast Pack left at 1.50pm and walked along Allan's Beach Road to Hooper's Inlet. We folllowed this road and crossed a bridge. We ten turned left up Cape Saunders Road which led to the Papanui Inlet Road. To complete the loop to the bridge we walked along Sheppard Road. On the last hill climb, one of the club's faster walkers, Gordon Cameron was keen to do a fast walk back. We did the estimated 10km in 1hr 40 mins

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Pedometer Trial

This afternoon I walked to the walkway between Maia and Ravensbourne. There is a 1km stretch that you can time or measure yourself against. To walk 1km takes 1279 steps or one of my walking steps is 0.78km. I did the stretch both ways and there was only one step difference so I feel confident with the accuracy. I can set this into my pedometer and it will calculate my distance in kilometres.


Yesterday Danny and I climbed to the Flagstaff summit from the Booth Street end. When we reached the top we walked down to the Bullring. Once there we went around the track that comes back to the track heading to the summit. We reached our starting point 2hrs 45 minutes after beginning our walk. I used a pedometer that was given to me. I did 16,857 steps which equates to 13.99 km based on 1200 steps to a kilometre. I am not sure if I have the steps/km right so will test again later today.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

A Weekend of Walking

Saturday 17 April

Caversham Harrier's Club Walking Group

The club met at the Caledonian at 11.30am so the walkers could compete in the first leg of the "Walkers' Cup". We had to walk in a 1500m race and your time reflects the handicaps for the remaining legs. 18 walkers competed and I managed 2nd for the entire race. I was a minute behind the winner Colin Dick in a time of 10:02 minutes which was 3 seconds slower than my time last year. In that year I was also the bidesmaid.

As soon as we finished the race we then did a 7o minute jaunt through the Northern Cemetery, Knox College and the Gardens.

Sunday 18 April

The Leith Valley Club held their inaugural "The Three Peaks" walk of 12kms. I like doing different walks and so looked forward to the challenge of this one. A good number turned up and the day was brilliant. We left Chingford Park and headed up Bethune's Gully. We were met by a marshal who directed us off the main track to another track. At this stage I was in 5th place and felt great. The woman behind me felt we had been directed along the wrong track. Sure enough about 5 minutes down the track the front walkers were coming back. The gate was locked. As we headed back to the main track we kept meeting walkers who turned back in front of us. It was a slow grind to pass them.

We were directed to the correct turn off through a steep bush area. The track was not clear as there were a number of different markers. Once out of the bush we met a cow which intimidated some of the women. I came to a clearing with two gates and worked out the markings to take the correct entrance. The track was undulating, muddy and steep. We had to scale a half dozen gates on the way down. At one point we came to a standstill as the gate was not marked so we reasoned this had to be the only way. Once at the bottom at Dryden Street I was surprised we were virtually home.

My time was 1:17:54 and I feel this was not a 12km course. I suspect it would be nearer 10kms

A great course but more marshalls needed.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

King of the Mountain

I have always wanted to do this walk but other commitments in the two previous years has deterred this. It was a brilliant day weather wise when 13 walkers started the 15km walk starting from Whare Flat. We walked on the flat for 2km and then did a slog up a 5km hill (to the start of the Flagstaff walk near the bullring). From here it was a 6km downhill walk followed by a 2km flat stretch to the finish.

I found it to be a tough course especially the uphill climb. I managed to complete the walk in 2:10:00 and was the 11th person home. At the end I had no blisters but felt a bit sore.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Walking

Thursday 1 April

A sextet of friends descended on Ian Hollebon's crib in Arrowtown for the long Easter weekend after driving up from Dunedin. We all arrived prior to 7pm and went to the New Orleans Hotel for a superb Bistro meal. The gang included Ian, John and Janice, Shirley, Denise and myself.

Friday 2 April

I decided to walk from Ian's crib to State Highway 6 leaving in the dark at 7.45am. The 10km return trip took just under two hours. I enjoyed walking towards the Remarkables mountain range. The weather was cool and overcast with the sun reluctant to come out. As it was an early start, Arrowtown and the road seemed dead. When I got back the girls were having a champagne breakfast. I certainly enjoyed the croissants.

Saturday 3 April

Millennium Track: I met Kieran, a friend from the Caversham Harrier's walking group at 7.45am. We did the 4-5km loop around the Millennium Track and then ascended Tobins Track. Once at the top I took a few photos, soke to some ex-parents from Anderson's Bay School we then walked to the bottom of the track. We did another loop of the Millennium Track. Kieran set a blistering pace which I struggled to keep up. We did the 11km in just under 2 hours. I came back to the crib drenched in sweat.

Lake Hayes Loop: This afternoon I was dropped of at Lake Hayes to walk the loop. The weather was ominous but I got around without getting wet. The sign said the loop would take 2-3 hours and I managed it in 1 hr 40 mins. If I did not do the fast paced morning walk or stop to take photos I could have achieved it in 90 minutes. It was a great flat walk. The loop looked longer than what it really was.

Sunday 4 April: As it rained heavily overnight, Kieran and I abandoned the idea of doing the same walk as yesterday. Instead we headed down Centennial Avenue towards SH 6. We turned right onto McDonnell Road and walked past "The Hills" golf course entrance. We reached the Lake Hayes Road intersection. We continued along the road that Millbrook is on and took the first right on a back road that comes into Arrowtown via the Arrow River. We wandered through Butel Park a new subdivision on the way. We also walked through the Chinese Village. The walk took 90 minutes and I estimated we walked 9 kms.