Sunday, April 18, 2010

A Weekend of Walking

Saturday 17 April

Caversham Harrier's Club Walking Group

The club met at the Caledonian at 11.30am so the walkers could compete in the first leg of the "Walkers' Cup". We had to walk in a 1500m race and your time reflects the handicaps for the remaining legs. 18 walkers competed and I managed 2nd for the entire race. I was a minute behind the winner Colin Dick in a time of 10:02 minutes which was 3 seconds slower than my time last year. In that year I was also the bidesmaid.

As soon as we finished the race we then did a 7o minute jaunt through the Northern Cemetery, Knox College and the Gardens.

Sunday 18 April

The Leith Valley Club held their inaugural "The Three Peaks" walk of 12kms. I like doing different walks and so looked forward to the challenge of this one. A good number turned up and the day was brilliant. We left Chingford Park and headed up Bethune's Gully. We were met by a marshal who directed us off the main track to another track. At this stage I was in 5th place and felt great. The woman behind me felt we had been directed along the wrong track. Sure enough about 5 minutes down the track the front walkers were coming back. The gate was locked. As we headed back to the main track we kept meeting walkers who turned back in front of us. It was a slow grind to pass them.

We were directed to the correct turn off through a steep bush area. The track was not clear as there were a number of different markers. Once out of the bush we met a cow which intimidated some of the women. I came to a clearing with two gates and worked out the markings to take the correct entrance. The track was undulating, muddy and steep. We had to scale a half dozen gates on the way down. At one point we came to a standstill as the gate was not marked so we reasoned this had to be the only way. Once at the bottom at Dryden Street I was surprised we were virtually home.

My time was 1:17:54 and I feel this was not a 12km course. I suspect it would be nearer 10kms

A great course but more marshalls needed.

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