Sunday, July 18, 2010

Brighton - Green Island Walking Event

Saturday 17 July

Each year Caversham members compete in a running and walking races from the Brighton Domain to an area opposite the landfill. Once every five years the event is open to members from other clubs. 2010 was the time for the open event.

The walking race was a sealed handicap when the competitors all start at the same time and your handicap is not known. Once the race is over, your time is adjusted taking the handicap into account.

It was a cool day with a slight head wind. 30 walkers started with 7 from outside the Caversham club. At the end of the race the 2nd and 3rd place getters were dis qualified for running. I managed 3rd place and 10th when the sealed handicap was applied. My time was 1:12:29 (1:10:17 last year)

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