Saturday, October 16, 2010

End of 2010 Walking Season

9 October was the closing day for the Caversham Harrier's Club meeting at 3pm. The walking group did a similar walk to the previous week except we went along Riselaw Road and back down Waimea Street.We merged onto Sidey Street, then Cole Street until we reached Caversham. We strolled through the Caversham suburb and along David Street onto Forbury Road. We climbed the steps up to Francis Hodgkins Retirement Village. From here it was a quick walk along Easther Crescent onto Middleton Road, back to the clubrooms.

We got back at 4.15pm and waited around for a club barbeque just after 5pm. An hour later was the prize giving ceremony and I was fortunate to win the Walkers Aggregate Cup over three events - 1500m (2nd), 5km handicap (3rd), Brighton- Green Island 9.6km (10th). A pleasant surprise was to be given a $150 voucher for running shoes as well.

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