Saturday, August 28, 2010


Today the walking group met at the clubrooms and carpooled to Fairfield where we met outside "Fulton Hogan" on the Old Main Road. I am not sure how many walkers set off in the fast group but I suspect close to 30 members.

We turned into Flower Street and a fast pace was set as we climbed a hill until we reached a farm property. We climbed over a stye and continued walking uphill on the farm property. We climbed another stye and entered Chain Hill Road. When we came to a T-intersection we turned left onto the unsealed section of Chain Hill Road. We walked until we came to a dead end and walked back over the unsealed road. When we came to the T-intersection we walked on the sealed part of Chain Hill Road. Parts of this road were hilly. Some of the faster walkers set a cracking pace of which I was not part.

When we came to the Old Main Road we followed it until we hit the south of Fairfield. We ended the last section through Fairfield to our cars.

The 9km walk took 1:40 hrs. It was a great course and one I had not done previously.

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