Sunday, August 15, 2010

Marathon Walk Preparation

In less than 3 weeks, Denise and I head to Greece and the Greek Islands for a holiday. While in Athens it is my intention to walk the original marathon course from Marathon to Athens which is over 42kms. I have decided to step up my daily walking kms to prepare for this special walk.

This morning just before 7am I did the Mt Cargill loop of 2okms. I left in the dark with mild weather. The pleasant temperature continued until I reached the top of Upper Junction Road and a cool breeze could be felt. The Mt Cargill transmitter could be seen poking through some low mist. As I descended the Mt Cargill Road I could feel a change in the air to a frosty feel. However when I crossed the road at the Normanby Hotel the welcome sun felt good on my back. There was a heavy dew (or rain) on the grass at Logan Park but I enjoyed looking at the second of two trusses just put in place at the new stadium.

For some reason I kept getting annoying little stones in my shoes and had to stop 3 times to rid the discomfort. When I hit Ravensbourne the sun disappeared and it was very overcast with inclement weather threatening.

I got back home exactly 4 hours from when I started. I was trialling a new pair of trainers and had no blisters or tired feet.

If inspired in the morning I may do the route in reverse.

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