Saturday, June 2, 2012

A Fast Paced Walk Over Flagstaff

Today the club did their annual walk over Flagstaff via the Pineapple Track. The slower walking group left at 12.40pm while the faster group of which I was part, left at 1pm. We had nine walkers at the starrt and two late starters joined us on the uphill part of the Pineapple Track. We set off at a quick pace taking only 20 minutes to reach the start of the Pineapple Track. There was no rest as we ascended the track. I was finding the uphill tough and was so pleased for the rest as we came to a clearing. The four fastest walkers took off from the remainder of the fast group.

We arrived at the Swampy Peak turnoff after an hour which was good going. Fifteen minutes later we reached the summit. From here it was all downhill. At the Bullring we caught up with the slower group and all left together for the last leg home. I caught up with Barbara an ex-parent from school and walked the remainder of the walk with her. I took 2hrs 20mins to get back to our starting point - the Wakari Union Church.

I had no aches or pains at the end but knew I had done a challenging walk. The club had drinks and hot chips to wind up a great day.

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